Essay Topics (2024 - 2025)
Applicants are interviewed by invitation only. Interviews are scheduled from October to mid-February (days vary). For the 2024-25 interview season, we will conduct interviews via zoom.If you will be out of the country - provide additional info below (e.g. dates, best way to contact, etc.) (300 characters)
1. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
2. If you are 2023 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)
3. Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? Please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (350 words)
4. UCSF PRIDE values serve as a guiding light for institutional life and activities. Briefly describe how you will contribute and support one of our PRIDE values that is consistent with your goals or life experience. (500 words) (Link to UCSF PRIDE)>>PRIDE Values | Office of Diversity and Outreach UCSF
Essay Topics ('23 – '24)
1. Provide additional info below (dates, best way to contact) if you will be out of the country during interview season (Late Sept to February, interviews conducted remotely). (300 characters)
2. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
3. If you are 2023 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)
4. Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? Please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (350 words)
Essay Topics ('22 – '23)
1. Provide additional info below (dates, best way to contact) if you will be out of the country during interview season (Late Sept to February, interviews conducted remotely). (300 characters)
2. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
3. If you are 2021 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)
4. Do you identify as being part of a marginalized group socioeconomically or in terms of access to quality education or healthcare? Please describe how this inequity has impacted you and your community. (350 words)
Essay Topics ('21 – '22)
1. This should be a true autobiographical statement. Topics to be included are family, childhood, primary and secondary school years, undergraduate years, and, if applicable, what you’ve done since completing your bachelor’s degree. You should also discuss the motivational factors which led you to a career in medicine, including any disadvantages or obstacles which might put your accomplishments into context. A repeat of your AMCAS statement will not be acceptable.
2. Please select from one of the career pathways listed below. In addition to this selection, please provide a brief description of your future career goals. (400 char)
3. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below.
1. Please describe your interest in the PRIME-HEq program. Topics to include are longitudinal experiences that you’ve had with underserved communities, including the type of community that you’ve worked with and your level of involvement. Additionally, you should discuss the length of time that you’ve spent working in these communities.
2. Please describe your interest in Global Health. The term Global Health can have many meanings; for our purposes, we find the definition provided by Koplan et. al. in their 2009 Lancet publication useful: “the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide”. In your essay, be sure to describe any personal or professional experiences that have shaped your interests, and how Global Health issues have influenced your decision to pursue a career in medicine. (4800 char)
3. Please describe your interest in the MAS-Clinical Research program. Topics to include are your previous experience with clinical and/or translational research, your role within the research group, and what you envision for a career that includes clinical and/or translational research. A letter of recommendation from the individual supervising your previous experience is helpful but not required.
Essay Topics (’20 – ’21)
1. Applicants are interviewed by invitation only. Please note that we do not conduct regional interviews. Interviews are scheduled from September to February (days vary). Please let us know if you will be out of the country during the interview season. (300 words)
2. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
3. If you are 2019 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)
Essay Topics ('19 – '20)
1. Applicants are interviewed by invitation only. Please note that we do not conduct regional interviews. Interviews are scheduled from September to February (days vary). Please let us know if you will be out of the country during the interview season. (300 words)
2. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
3. If you are 2019 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)
Essay Topics ('18 – '19)
1. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. Word Count 500
2. If you are 2018 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. Word Count 400
Essay Topics ('17 – '18)
1. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
2. If you are 2017 or earlier college graduate, please use the space below to tell us what you have done since completing your undergraduate degree. (350 words)
Essay Topics ('16 – '17)
1. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words).
1. Please describe your commitment to working with the urban underserved, highlighting experiences with underserved communities and community-based work. Be sure to mention any leadership and/or team-member roles you've played. (500 words)
2. PRIME-US requires a commitment above and beyond the regular medical school curriculum. You will be expected to spend time participating in small group activities and engaging with underserved communities in the Bay Area. Please answer the following questions: How will you balance PRIME-US with your academic responsibilities and personal life? (250 words)
3. What will you bring to PRIME-US? (250 words)
4. What do you hope to get out of PRIME-US? (250 words)
Essay Topics ('15 – '16)
1. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 words)
Essay Topics ('14 – '15)
1. If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. 500 words
1. MD+JMP: UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program (MS/MD) combines the resources of two major campuses to allow more extended, individualized pre-clerkship studies with the completion of the Master's thesis involving an in-depth research project, in addition to the medical degree. The JMP core medical curriculum makes full use of case-based problem oriented learning in small groups. Please prepare a two-part essay describing the following:
a. Please describe the basis for your interest in and your preparations for the MS with research thesis. Given the opportunity to pursue such a degree, what topics, questions or areas of research might you be interested in addressing? 500 words
b. Please describe the basis of your interest and experience with small group, case based problem oriented learning. 500 words
a. Please describe your experiences with underserved communities, community-based work, leadership roles, and commitment to working with the urban underserved. 500 words
b. PRIME-US requires a commitment above and beyond the regular medical school curriculum. You will be expected to spend time participating in small group activities and engaging with underserved communities in the Bay Area. Please answer the following questions: How will you balance PRIME-US with your academic responsibilities and personal life? 250 words
3. MSTP:
a. Please describe in detail your most recent research project. 500 words
b. Please list publications, honors, and presentations resulting from your research experience. 500 words
c. Please describe briefly your reasons for applying to MSTP. 250 words
Essay Topics ('13 – '14)
1. Applicants are interviewed by invitation only. Interviews are scheduled Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, September to February. Due to the academic calendar, student contact during the month of December may be limited. Please note we do not conduct regional interviews. If you are selected for interviews, please let us know if you will be out of the country. (100 character)If you wish to update or expand upon your activities, you may provide additional information below. (500 Words)