Essay Prompts (2024 - 2025)
1. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and reduce health disparities in our rural East Texas region. Please indicate (select one) your connection to East Texas as outlined in our county map and explain below: (250 words)
I have direct ties to the East Texas region (born, graduated high school, community college, undergraduate, etc.)
I have indirect ties to the East Texas Region (family members, in-laws, visited East Texas frequently, attended summer camp in East Texas, etc.)
I have ties to a rural region with similar characteristics to the East Texas region (size, demographics, health disparities, etc.)
I do not have ties to the East Texas region; however, I’m interested in practicing in this area after graduation.
I do not have ties to the East Texas region but am still interested in attending the UT Tyler School of Medicine.
2. Are you a reapplicant? (Yes or No)
3. Are you a reapplicant to UT Tyler SOM? (Yes or No)
4. What have you done between the last application cycle to make your application stronger? (No Character Limit)
5. The mission of the UT Tyler SOM is fourfold:
Community Engagement: Embed the School of Medicine within East Texas, focusing on communication, responsiveness, inclusion, and community. The School of Medicine in East Texas, and everything we do will be in partnership with our communities.
Education: Recruit, support, and develop a diverse and representative healthcare and researchworkforce from East Texas, focused on reducing health disparities in East Texas.
Research: Develop an array of biomedical, clinical, preventive, translational and population-basedresearch programs focused on understanding and eliminating health disparities in East Texas.
Clinical: Expand access to top-quality healthcare in the local communities of East Texas by developing and implementing innovative healthcare systems and leveraging existing infrastructure and programs.
Why are you interested in applying to UT Tyler’s SOM? (500 Words)
6. Please describe a significant personal challenge you have faced, one which you feel has helped to shape you as a person. Please include how you got through the experience and what you learned about yourself as a result. Examples may include: moral or ethical dilemma, a situation of personal adversity; or a hurdle in your life that you worked hard to overcome. (500 Words)
7. Optional question (highly recommend): Please use this space to share with the committee any additional information that may help us evaluate your candidacy that is not addressed elsewhere in the application. (500 Words)
Essay Prompts ('23 - '24)
1. Answer these checkbox questions:
2. Are you a reapplicant? Yes/No
3. Are you a reapplicant to UT Tyler SOM? Yes/No, If yes, What have you done between the last application cycle to make your application stronger? (no character limit)
4. Why are you interested in applying to UT Tyler’s SOM? (500 words)
5. Describe any experiences/information you have in/about East Texas as it relates to our Mission Statement. (500 words)
6. Please share with the committee what unique skills, experiences, and/or qualities/characteristics and/or ideas you may have/possess that will help you contribute to the mission of UT Tyler School of Medicine if selected for the class. (500 words)
7. Please review the SOM Values and select the value that most resonates with you. Explain why. (500 words)
8. Optional question (highly recommend): Please use this space to share with the committee any additional information that may help us evaluate your candidacy that is not addressed elsewhere in the application. (500 words)